Learn How To Heal
The Relationship
With Your Mother
Online course incl. personal coaching
Feel quickly neglected, unappreciated or unseen in relationships
Can't really trust anyone
Can't accept help and have to do everything alone
Can't set boundaries and are overpowered by others
Can't get involved and find the right partner
Can't stand closeness or intimacy and push the other person back
Think you are not good enough or doing something wrong in relationships
Keep falling back into the same destructive relationship patterns over and over again
A message from your instructor
Before you go...
Next steps
Video: Tapping and Meditation to start the process
Tapping / Emotional Freedom Techniques
Emotion Code Technique
Assignment before you start the modules
Tapping and Meditation to make you feel safe
Meditation to make you feel safe
Assignment before the next lesson
Tapping and Meditation to become aware of your needs
Meditation to become aware of your needs
Assignment before the next lesson
Tapping and Meditation to set boundaries
Meditation to feel safe while saying NO
Assignment before the next lesson
Tapping and meditation to start the process of forgiveness
Meditation to forgive yourself
Assignment before the next lesson
Tapping and meditation to feel worthy of love
Meditation to feel worthy of love
Assignment before the next lesson
Tapping and Meditation to open your heart
Meditation to open your heart towards your Mum
Assignment before the next lesson
Tapping and Meditation to release the need to copy your Mum's behaviour or rebel against her
Meditation to receive love and gratitude from your ancestors
Please do me a favor
Understand your symptoms and the inner conflict
Release the fear of pain and move on
By enrolling in this course, you will have access to the entire content of Transforming Reality.
You get access as soon as you buy the course.
After you have viewed the second module you have the possibility to book your individual sessions with me. This is your chance to dissolve even inherited or prenatal blockages.
I will answer your questions during the course and will help you move on if you get stuck.
You will be given a small task after each session to reinforce what you have learned and continue the process at home.